Peaceful Pit Bull Humane Society Foster Application
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Lastname, First Name
2. Age
3. Surname, First Name of Spouse/Partner/Roommate
4. Age of Spouse/Partner/Roommate
5. Phone number
6. Email:
7. Your current Address/City/State/Zip Code. Is there a chance that you will be moving soon?
8. Driver's License #:
9. Who to call in case of emergency (Name&Phone#)
10. Name and Address of current Employer
11. Your current working hours
12. Your veterinarian. If you have more than one please list all as following: Name/ Address/City/State/Zip/Phone
13. Please list 2 personal references and their relationship to you, at least one not being your family member. List as following: Name/Relationship/Phone/ Address
14. Have you ever fostered before? If yes, with who? Was it successful? If no, what made you want to start fostering?
15. Why do you want to foster an American Pit Bull Terrier?
16. When was this decision made? Was it a family decision or solely yours?
17. Is everyone living in your household aware of the decision to foster a dog?
  • Yes
  • No
18. Who will be the person responsible for the daily care of the dog such as feeding and exercise? Pleast list name.
19. Do you understand that the foster care for an American Pit Bull Terrier can be a longer foster commitment than with other breeds? By saying so the average foster period can be as long as 6 months and up to 2 years at times.
  • Yes
  • No
20. Do you understand that finding fosters for an American Pit Bull Terrier can be very hard and time consuming and would you for whatever reason have to stop fostering you will have to notify our rescue early enough to start looking for different foster arrangements?
  • Yes
  • No
21. What age of dog would you like to foster?
  • Puppy
  • Young
  • Adult
  • Senior
  • All
22. Male or Female?
23. How many dogs are you willing to foster at a time?
24. Will you accept an American Pit Bull Terrier / Mix foster with special needs?
  • Yes
  • No
25. Are you willing to help house train, crate train, and teach your foster dog basic commands?
26. Are you willing to help socialize the dog in your care with other dogs, children, or even other critters outside of your home by taking them on walks, to the dog park or other places where they can explore and meet new people?
27. Is there a dog park in your area?
28. Where will the dog(s) be most of the time? Please check all that apply.
  • Loose indoors
  • Crated indoors
  • In your bedroom
  • Kennel run outside
  • Supervised outside in fenced Yard
  • Unsupervised outside in fenced Yard
  • Supervised outside in unfenced Yard
  • Unsupervised outside in unfenced Yard
  • In the Basement
  • Tied/Chained Outside
  • In the Garage/Shed
29. Where will the dog(s) sleep at night? Please check all that apply.
  • Loose indoors
  • Crated indoors
  • In your bedroom
  • Kennel run outside
  • Supervised outside in fenced Yard
  • Unsupervised outside in fenced Yard
  • Supervised outside in unfenced Yard
  • Unsupervised outside in unfenced Yard
  • In the Basement
  • Tied/Chained Outside
  • In the Garage/Shed
30. Have you owned an American Pit Bull Terrier / Mix before? If yes, what happened?
31. Do you currently have pets? If yes, please list following: Species / Breed /Age /Sex/Are they Spayed/Neutered / Are they current on vaccines / Are they current on their Rabies shot
32. Have you owned any pets in the last 10 years? Please list as following: Species/Breed/Sex/What happened to them?
33. Where did you get your pets from? (e.g., breeder, store, shelter, etc.) If you have ever adopted from a shelter/rescue in the past which organization did you adopt from?
34. Did you ever give a dog up for adoption, to a shelter, a rescue, a friend or family? If yes, when, to who and why?
35. Have you ever had to euthanize a pet? If yes, why?
36. Do your dogs have any physical or behavioral problems? If yes, please shortly explain.
37. Do your dogs have any dominance problems? Any toy or food aggression? If yes, please shortly explain.
38. Do your dogs get along with other dogs of both sex? Do they get along with other animals besides dogs?
39. Do you have children? Please list as following: Name/Age
40. Have they had dogs? Was it successful? If yes, what did you do to ensure the success of the kid & pet relationship?
41. If you do not have any children yet, are you planning on having children in the future? If yes, what consequences will this have for your dogs?
42. How many adults live in your home? Adults are considered everyone over 18. Please list as following: Name/Age
43. Which one of the following do you live in?
44. Are you residing in a town/city that currently has BSL?
  • Yes
  • No
45. Are there any community restrictions on dogs (if so, explain)?
46. Type of residence:
47. Do you own or rent your home?
48. What is your yard size? Is it fenced? What is the fence height?
49. If you are renting, do you have your Landlord’s permission to foster a dog?
50. Please list your Landlord’s Name/Phone/Address/City/Zip Code
51. Is someone home during the day?
  • Yes
  • No
52. Do you have a petsitter or someone that comes and walks your dogs while you are at work or running errands? If yes, please list name and phone number.
53. Who will care for your pet when you are not at home/travel? How do you plan on handling this with your foster pet? Please List name and number of person, boarding facility, etc.
54. Do you understand that that a new dog will take time to adjust to its new surroundings and that certain behavioral issues might occur?
  • Yes
  • No
55. Are you willing to work with your foster dog to correct these issues
56. How do you enforce basic obedience training such as sit, stay, lay or even potty training? Do you believe in punishing your dog to discipline it? Please explain your methods of punishment:
57. Describe your experience with dogs and what educational experience you have had with dogs. Be specific (i.e. training classes, books, volunteering etc.)
58. Any other information that may be helpful for us to know when reviewing your application?
59. Do you agree to allow us to visit your home by appointment as part of our application process?
  • Yes
  • No
60. Hereby you certify that all of the information you have provided in this application is true and correct. If any of the information changes, you will contact Peaceful Pit Bull Humane Society promptly. Application Date and Signature
61. Signature of Spouse/Partner/Roommate